The Nigerian senate has voted for the unthinkable, they have cast their lots for the most unprintable of all acts, they have said yes to the most flagrant kind of child abuse ever known. They nodded in utter affirmation to the desire of the pedophiles within the Nigerian conclave. They said, a female of any age can get married legally, and after their marriage, the very act of marriage will then catapult that baby-wife into adulthood. The logic of that submission would have been the stuff armchair comedy is made of, if not that the lives of our innocent daughters and sisters are at stake.
The premise of it is almost dripping with selfishness of the highest kind, because it aims at massaging the pot belly-egos of those senators and their benefactors whose stock in trade has been child molestation. The gladiators of that nauseating act maintain, that it is better to marry-off a ten year old girl, than allow her to engage in prostitution, and I also maintain that when my life voyage took me to the city of Maiduguri in the course of my NYSC program, that city was still glazed with many brothels and prostitutes despite the existence of practices of this nature over there.
Those advocates of the unthinkable also maintain, that early marriage will eradicate unwanted pregnancy, and I counter that with this question, “has that already happened in the regions where the practice of this abuse is already enshrined?” Then those champions of childhood molestation decided in the futility of their attempt to engage the sensibility of others to think like them, by adding that it is part of the injunctions of their religion, and by extension, their religion will then be said to be superior to the Nigerian constitution which pegs the age of an adult to be eighteen. That religious pontification will also denounce the child rights act that pegs the age of adulthood to eighteen. And I ask, “If your religion says that, and my religion says otherwise, why should your religion hold sway? Why should we not then follow international standards for mutual co-existence? Why should we follow what would maim the lives of those little girls?
Why should we support a position that only massages the sensual idiocies of some persons that will better be found in the intensive unit of a head-shrinker? Why should we enshrine it in the Nigerian constitution? As if that is the end of the cacophony of reasons that these pedophiles-in-disguise have enunciated, one of them even alluded to the illusion that it is their right to marry a kid-girl of any age! Then I ask him, “what about the right of that kid-girl to say yes or no? what does she know about life to know what she wants or who she loves at that age? Should she not be allowed to attain adulthood? Would you be found to abuse her rights as a child for the sole aim of emphasizing yours? Would your so-called rights rescue that potential kid-mother from the malady of VVF and RVF that awaits her? Will that right reduce the incidence of infant mortality that will be the inevitable concomitant of that malady? And how will this so-called constitutional review portray Nigeria in the committee of nations, if it is fully upheld? And how has this moved the nation forward?
My dear senators, at least those of you who did not vote for that irritant of a bill or recommendation, dare to open your mouths wide and call for a repeal of that thing, let your names be recorded in the annals of time as those that stood for the rights of a child to a glorious future, let no fear or intimidation quell your inner discontent, speak out and shout down what is wrong. For what is wrong is wrong and what is right is right. And let those senators who have thrown caution to the winds because of their so-called reason, have their names written in the book of those who helped to destroy the hope of the feminine power of tomorrow, let their babanrigas not be big enough to cover their heads in shame. For they have done the unthinkable, therefore, posterity will remember them for that. I rest my case and God bless Nigeria!
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